Greatcell Solar Italia SRL
Greatcell Solar Italia (formerly known as Dyesol Italia srl) is an Italian SME member of the Greatcell Energy group (formerly known as Greatcell Solar), the world leader in commercialisation of PSC Cells. Greatcell solar Italia (GSI) supplies materials and laboratory manufacturing and testing equipment (in particular producing the Hyperion LED solar simulator line) for research and development of DSC & PSC cells and devices. GSI team has a long history of collaborative development programs within the EU, the Swiss and Italian communities and for industrial developments. GSI develops new products, devices, components and materials in the PSC domain. GSI provides a complete turnkey design for DSC and PSC prototyping and product manufacture. GSI has a wide expertise and patent portfolio, with particular reference to: DSC & PSC cells and module & panel design, DSC and PSC manufacturing and testing equipment.
GSI is working for the industrialisation of PSC solar cells, providing crucial r/d for the Greatcell Energy group to shorten the time to market and improve the products performance and reliability.