Webinar Sopowerful presentations online!

Presentations related to the webinar of the cluster “SOPOWERFUL”, are now available online! You can access them through the Leitat virtual desk following this link. This webinar was organised by the cluster projects WEDISTRICT, INSHIP, IN-POWER and APOLO, and took place on Monday 6th November. The projects presented were: IN-POWER, WEDISTRICT, INSHIP and APOLO.

The SolarPowerEXPO Community has been launched

We are pleased to announce the launch of the SolarPowerEXPO Community. The SolarPowerEXPO  has been developed during the H2020 funded project APOLO. Following the end of the project in 2022, the SolarPowerEXPO Community has been open to the partners outside the APOLO Project.

The SolarPowerEXPO is a community platform developed and managed by Cambridge Nanomaterials Technology Ltd (CNT Ltd), and its Brussels based sister company CNT Innovation, with the aim to support commercialisation of solar panel technologies, including perovskite solar cells.

This community gives its members, the opportunity to learn about progress in the development of photovoltaic (PV), including flexible perovskite PV, through the different annual workshops and newsletters. It also provides a platform to exchange experience and discuss issues in scalability and future market opportunities for use of PV technologies, between technology developers in industry and researchers in academia.

The SolarPowerEXPO provides to its members, a platform to showcase their companies in a dedicated virtual EXPO booth, access reports, attend and present at the annual conferences.